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Chris Silberston
3 min read
Generative AI: the good, the bad, the useless
We’re getting a lot of questions about AI. What does it do well? Which platform writes best? How can it save me time? Can it come up with...
Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
Conjunctions at the start of sentences – to begin or not to begin?
Jane Austen did it. Shakespeare did it. Even the Bible gets away with it. So, why do conjunctions at the beginning of sentences still...
Chris Silberston
5 min read
AI copywriting
We’re all hearing about generative AI. We’re told that job seekers are using it to write cover letters. Students are using it to write...
Kathryn Hudson-Cook
5 min read
6 of the biggest mistakes we make with CTAs (and 1 powerful solution)
The closing statement in your blog post. A line in your sales email. Or a button on your landing page. A call to action (CTA) is an...
Chris Silberston
5 min read
Persuasive writing
Here at A Thousand Monkeys, we believe that all copywriting should be persuasive. Copy has a goal – whether that’s sales, clicks, or...
Kathryn Hudson-Cook
5 min read
The magic of your customer’s voice: how to increase email conversions using their language
The secret weapon of effective copywriting Let's consider how most people write email copy. You sit down at your desk, open a new page on...
Hayley Cherrett
3 min read
The 3Cs of social. Staying on your audience's radar.
The world is digital. There have never been more opportunities to connect with your audience online. However, it’s not all about sell,...
Josh Barton
9 min read
Influencer Marketing: top tips to build an authentic campaign
At A Thousand Monkeys, we talk a lot about having an authentic voice. If your copy doesn’t sound genuine or rooted in the truth of your...
Chris Silberston
7 min read
Grammar: what, why, how, and a bit of when
Ah, grammar. Everyone’s favourite topic to discuss when you reveal you’re a writer. To some, it’s a confusing world of rules they don’t...
Chris Silberston
5 min read
What does it take to write a piece of copy?
To get the best possible content, you need to know what to expect from your copywriter. It helps to understand what’s possible, where...
Hayley Cherrett
6 min read
7 reasons why your web content needs to work harder
Your website is one of the most powerful tools you have. Making every page look great is probably a top priority for you. It needs to be...
Chris Silberston
6 min read
Dear [customer name], sincerely [customer service rep]
As you know, customer service teams are on the front lines. They see all the emotional extremes, from unbridled love to raw hatred. They...
Hayley Cherrett
6 min read
Can online tools really help you write better headlines?
When people ask us for headline writing advice, we always say the same thing: “Stop tweaking the same line. Start adding more variety.”...
Chris Silberston
5 min read
The persuasive techniques most copywriters don't want you to know
Much of copywriting is more science than art. It’s taking proven techniques and applying them towards a goal – whether that’s grabbing...
Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
5 copywriting myths busted
“Top 10 copywriting tips”. “50 killer ways to improve your copy”. “25 things that will transform your copy.” You’ve seen the click-baity...
Chris Silberston
4 min read
How to write a great headline
Open a word doc. Think about a headline. Give up trying to write a headline. Write copy. Go back to headline. Hastily write something...
Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
The value of interviews. Why it's important to talk to people.
While many believe writers are hermits, preferring to work in solitary confinement, we’re actually quite sociable beings. We love to talk...
Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
The art of product naming
Buildings, brands, babies: everything needs a name. If it’s your baby you can choose what you darn well like and hang the consequences....
Chris Silberston
4 min read
How to demonstrate impact in writing
Sustainability and social justice are still at the forefront of many people’s minds these days. Organisations across the world are trying...
Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
7 tips for curing writer’s block
I’m going to say it: writer’s block isn’t a big deal. A good writer will rarely suffer from it. And no, it’s not because they have a...
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